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在自然资源日益紧缺,环境污染日益严峻的现代社会,环保与节源受到了各行业与领域人士的关注,在建筑领域也不例外,可衍生建筑作为一种潇洒、随性却又富有意义的建筑形式,其出现便体现了设计师对于环境的关怀。然而正如万事难自全一样,可衍生建筑也具有两面性,如何趋利避害的使其继续发展,也成为一个值得探讨的问题。 In the modern society where the natural resources are increasingly scarce and the environmental pollution is more and more serious, environmental protection and resource conservation have drawn the attention of people from all walks of life and fields. In the field of architecture, they are no exception. As a kind of carefree and casual but meaningful The appearance of architecture reflects the designer’s concern for the environment. However, just as everything is the same, derivative buildings also have two sides. It is also worth discussing how to make profits and avoid disadvantages so that they can continue to develop.