Study of the Mechanism of Essential Garlic Oil Inhibiting Interleukin1 Induced Monocyte Adhesion

来源 :Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medici | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zpbaqq1314
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Objective: To observe the effects of essential garlic oil (EGO) on vascular cell adhesive molecule 1 (VCAM 1) expression of endothelial cells and monocyte endothelial cell adhesion rate induced by interleukin 1 α (IL 1 α). Methods: Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) were isolated by trypsin digestion method and co cultured with IL 1 α or EGO+IL 1 α in the absence or presence of U937 monocyte. Monocyte endothelial cell adhesion rate was examined with reverted microscope. VCAM 1 expression of endothelial cells was measured by ACAS 570 confocal microscope, and the data were presented as mean fluorescent intensity. Results: EGO significantly inhibited IL 1 α induced endothelial expression of VCAM 1, and thus markedly decreased monocyte endothelial cell adhesion rate. Conclusion: EGO has the effect on antagonizing adhesion of monocyte and vascular endothelial cell, which might be due to its inhibition on adhesive molecular expression on the surface of endothelial cells. Objective: To observe the effects of essential garlic oil (EGO) on vascular cell adhesive molecule 1 (VCAM 1) expression of endothelial cells and monocyte endothelial cell adhesion rate induced by interleukin 1 α (IL 1 α). Methods: Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) were isolated by trypsin digestion method and co cultured with IL 1α or EGO + IL 1α in the absence or presence of U937 monocyte. VCAM 1 expression of endothelial cells was measured by ACAS 570 confocal microscope, and the data were presented as the mean fluorescent intensity. Results: EGO significantly inhibited IL 1α induced endothelial expression of VCAM 1, and thus markedly decreased monocyte endothelial cell adhesion rate. adhesion of monocyte and vascular endothelial cells, which might be due to its inhibition on adhesive molecular expression on the surface of endothelial cells.
这位出生在川西北高原的藏族 汉子,清贫的家境和艰苦的工作环境造就了他吃苦耐劳、奋发向上的品格。统计部门被人称之为条件艰苦、工作辛苦、待遇清苦的“三苦单位”,可他却
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