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抵货运动是近代中国时常发生的一种民众运动,发生之时就有人评价。不过,早在20世纪30年代初美国学者雷麦(C.F.Remer)就开始对1905—1933年历次较大规模的抵货运动进行了系统研究。雷氏对运动的过程考察较粗略,但对其在外贸方面的影响研究很深入,目前尚无人过之。此外,日本学者菊池贵晴似从民族主义运动的角度探讨过近代中国历次抵货运动。历次抵货运动中,1905—1906年抵制美货运动最受关注,研究也最为系统与深入,此后的抵货运动研究显有不及。1905年之后发生的抵货运动多为抵制日货运动。抵制日货的研究集中于五四时期,但多是作为五四运动的一个组成部分而被附带研究。i925年五卅运动时期和1931—1933年的抵制日货运动也受到一定关注。此外,受到较多关注的是五卅运动时期的抵制英货运动。抵货运动研究出现上述状况,主要是1905年的抵货运动是近代中国第一次大规模抵货运动,反映中国社会诸多变化,研究此后的抵货运动,创新较难。 The resistance movement is a kind of popular movement that occurs frequently in modern China. When it happened, some people commented. However, as early as the early 1930s American scholar C.F.Remer began a systematic study of the larger scale resistance movements of 1905-1933. Ray’s study of the process of movement is rather sketchy, but his study on the impact of foreign trade is very deep, so far no one has ever seen it. In addition, the Japanese scholar Kikuchi Kiyoshi seems to have discussed the various resistance movements in modern China from the perspective of nationalist movement. Among the previous boycott campaigns, the boycott of the U.S.costs was the most talked about during 1905-1906, the most systematic and in-depth study was conducted, and the subsequent study of the boycott was far from enough. Most of the resistance exercises after 1905 were to boycott the Japanese movement. The study of the boycott of Japanese goods concentrated in the May 4th period, but most of them were studied incidentally as an integral part of the May 4th Movement. The boycott of the Japanese goods movement in the I925-year period and the 1931-1933 period also received some attention. In addition, more attention was given to the boycott of British goods during the Five-卅 卅 campaign period. The research on the resistance movement appeared above mentioned, mainly because the resistance movement of 1905 was the first large-scale resistance movement in modern China, reflecting many changes in Chinese society. It was difficult to make innovations after studying the resistance movement thereafter.
工会扶贫帮困工作,既是“送温暖工程”的重要内容,也是工会工作在新形势下所面临的首要政治任务。基层工会组织处于工会工作的最前沿,理所应当从职工群众的角度出发,时时想着职工事,处处为职工谋利益,满腔热忱地为困难职工做好事、办实事、解难事。  一、扶贫帮困工作的开展情况  几年来,作业区始终坚持群众利益无小事的原则,积极维护职工群众利益,认真开展扶贫帮困工作。首先,为更好地掌握职工动态,及时、准确地从多
工会是党领导下的群众组织,是党联系群众的桥梁和纽带,基层单位工会作用发挥得好坏, 能否维护职工的合法权益,能否调动职工的积极性和创造性,关系到党与职工群众的关系,关系到党的阶级基础和执政地位,关系到经济发展和社会的和谐稳定。下面,作为一名基层工会工作者,就如何做好新形势下的基层工会工作,浅谈一点心得体会。  一、做好基层工会工作,必须建立健全组织机构  建立健全组织机构极为重要。基层工会主席的定位
摘 要:企业文化是企业生存和发展重要表现,是企业经营管理和精神文明建设的总和,在企业发展中具有凝聚、激励、协调、约束等作用,煤炭企业的文化建设必须把企业发展历史与现实结合,坚持以人为本,实现个人发展与集体发展和谐统一,培养良好团队精神,把企业文化建设与解决企业改革和发展中的实际问题相结合,以文化发展促进企业发展。  关键词:煤炭企业;文化建设  企业文化是企业员工在长期的生产经营与企业企业发展过程