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目的:HPLC波长切换联合梯度洗脱法同时测定荆防败毒丸中的5-O-咖啡酰莽草酸、落新妇苷、花旗松素、黄杞苷、白藜芦醇、洋川芎内酯H、洋川芎内酯I、洋川芎内酯A、瑟丹酸内酯和藁本内酯含量。方法:采用Shiseido C_(18)色谱柱(4.6 mm×250 mm,5μm),以甲醇-乙腈(3∶1)(A)与0.1%冰醋酸水溶液(B)为流动相,梯度洗脱,流速1.2mL·min~(-1),柱温30℃,5-O-咖啡酰莽草酸、落新妇苷、花旗松素、黄杞苷和白藜芦醇的检测波长为291 nm,洋川芎内酯H、洋川芎内酯I、洋川芎内酯A、瑟丹酸内酯和藁本内酯的检测波长为280 nm。结果:5-O-咖啡酰莽草酸、落新妇苷、花旗松素、黄杞苷、白藜芦醇、洋川芎内酯H、洋川芎内酯I、洋川芎内酯A、瑟丹酸内酯和藁本内酯10个成分的线性范围分别为9.13~182.60μg·mL~(-1)(r=0.999 4)、20.75~415.00μg·mL~(-1)(r=0.999 9)、3.54~70.80μg·mL~(-1)(r=0.999 5)、4.78~95.60μg·mL~(-1)(r=0.999 8)、2.42~48.40μg·mL~(-1)(r=0.999 3)、3.38~67.60μg·mL~(-1)(r=0.999 9)、4.94~98.80μg·mL~(-1)(r=0.999 6)、6.36~127.20μg·mL~(-1)(r=0.999 8)、3.07~61.40μg·mL~(-1)(r=0.999 7)、9.66~193.20μg·mL~(-1)(r=0.999 5);平均加样回收率(n=6)分别为97.3%(RSD=1.1%)、99.2%(RSD=1.3%)、96.8%(RSD=0.44%)、98.8%(RSD=0.86%)、96.9%(RSD=1.1%)、98.3%(RSD=1.6%)、97.1%(RSD=1.2%)、100.0%(RSD=0.60%)、97.9%(RSD=1.3%)、99.2%(RSD=1.1%)。3批样品中上述10个成分的含量范围分别为0.542~0.579、1.519~1.663、0.105~0.117、0.314~0.331、0.072~0.081、0.101~0.113、0.164~0.183、0.406~0.437、0.163~0.182、0.585~0.607 mg·g~(-1)。结论:本文建立的HPLC波长切换联合梯度洗脱法可为荆防败毒丸质量标准的提高提供依据。 OBJECTIVE: Simultaneous determination of 5-O-caffeoylshikimate, astilbin, taxifolin, flavonoid, resveratrol, and yangchongxiong lactone in Jingfubudu pill by HPLC wavelength switching combined with gradient elution , Rhizoma Chuanxiong I, Rhizoma Chuanxiong A, cortex lactone and ligustilide. Methods: The mobile phase was eluted with a mobile phase of Shiseido C 18 column (4.6 mm × 250 mm, 5 μm) with methanol-acetonitrile (3:1) (A) and 0.1% 1.2mL · min -1, the column temperature was 30 ℃. The detection wavelength of 5-O-caffeoyl shikimic acid, astilbin, taxifolin, flavonoid and resveratrol was 291 nm. The detection wavelength of the ester H, the yangchongxiong I, the yangchongxiong A, the cydanilide and the ligustilide were 280 nm. Results: 5-O-caffeoyl shikimic acid, astilbin, taxifolin, huang glycoside, resveratrol, oriental rhizoma ligusticin H, oriental rhizoma ligustici I, The linear range of the ten components of esters and ligustilide were 9.13 ~ 182.60μg · mL -1 (r = 0.999 4), 20.75 ~ 415.00μg · mL -1 (r = 0.999 9), (R = 0.999 5), 4.78 ~ 95.60 μg · mL -1 (r = 0.999 8), 2.42 ~ 48.40 μg · mL -1 (r = 0.999 3), 3.38 ~ 67.60μg · mL -1 (r = 0.999 9), 4.94 ~ 98.80μg · mL -1 (r = 0.999 6), 6.36 ~ 127.20μg · mL -1 (r = 0.999 8), 3.07 ~ 61.40μg · mL -1 (r = 0.999 7) and 9.66 ~ 193.20μg · mL -1 (r = 0.999 5) 99.8% (RSD = 1.3%), 96.8% (RSD = 0.44%), 98.8% (RSD = 0.86%) and 96.9% (RSD = 1.1% , 98.3% (RSD = 1.6%), 97.1% (RSD = 1.2%), 100.0% (RSD = 0.60%), 97.9% (RSD = 1.3%), 99.2% (RSD = 1.1%). The contents of the above 10 components in three batches of samples ranged from 0.542 to 0.579, from 1.519 to 1.663, from 0.105 to 0.117, from 0.314 to 0.331, from 0.072 to 0.081, from 0.101 to 0.113, from 0.164 to 0.183, from 0.406 to 0.437, from 0.163 to 0.182, ~ 0.607 mg · g ~ (-1). Conclusion: The combination of HPLC wavelength shift and gradient elution method established in this paper can provide the basis for improving the quality standard of Jing Fang Baoxin capsule.
“美人谷”在四川甘孜州丹巴县的大山中,山高水深,路途遥遥,因其深入不易,也就越发显得神秘。 In the mountains of Danba County, Ganzi Prefecture in Sichuan Province,
Pyriminostrobin, a new acaricide, was discovered in our previous studies. Because introducing fluorine into organic compounds can increase bioactivity, pyrimino
探究性实验是实验者在不知晓实验结果的前提下,通过参与实验、探索、分析,研究得出结论,从而形成科学概念的一种认知活动。探究实验分随堂演示实验和分组探究实验。 The exp
【中图分类号】G633.7 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2012)12-0178-02  一、教材地位  1.本节是前一节《牛顿第一定律》认知过程的延续,更是下一节《牛顿第二定律》的理论和实验基础。  2.本实验是学生第一次利用系统的科学探究的方法进行物理探究,实验涉及到控制变量法、比较法和图象法等一些方法。  3.考纲对本节的内容要求是Ⅱ级,在历次模拟及高考中命题频率都较高