我是去年10月被中国国际广播电台派到贝尔格莱德做驻外记者的,此前,在国际台做了20多年的翻译工作,虽然也一直是在翻译新闻稿,但当时更多的是关心怎么把新闻稿翻译得更准确、文字更优美些,而没有机会亲历新闻现场写新闻。 1975年至1979年,我曾在前南斯拉夫联邦共和国波黑的巴尼亚卢卡留学,那时的南斯拉夫无论是国际威望,还是经济发展、人民生活水平,都处于巅峰状态,给我留下的印象是到处风和日丽、青山绿水、鸟语花香。我很喜爱这种环境。虽然近年来由于民族分裂、战争和国际制裁,使这个国家的经济倒退了十几年,甚至几十年,但直到临行前,我对战争的心理准备都是不足的。我是以一种非常放松的心情去赴任的,就像去上班一样,和家人说了声“再见”就出发了。应该
I was sent to Belgrade by a Chinese international radio station last October as a foreign correspondent. Before that, I had been translating for more than 20 years on the international stage. Although I was still translating the press release, I was more concerned with how to handle it Press releases are translated more accurately and with more beautiful text, without the opportunity to write news stories on the news. From 1975 to 1979, I studied in Banja Luka in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, when Yugoslavia was in its prime, both in terms of international prestige, economic development, and people’s living standard. It left me The impression is everywhere wind and rain, mountains, flowers and birds. I really like this environment. Although in recent years the economy of the country has been retrograde for more than a decade or even decades because of ethnic divisions, wars and international sanctions, my mental preparation for the war was not sufficient until its departure. I was in a very relaxed mood to go to office, just like going to work, and his family say “goodbye” to set off. should