Multiple myeloma (MM) is a malignant tumor with a large number of abnormal plasma cells clonal proliferation, accounting for about 10% of hematological malignancies. There is a great heterogeneity in clinical manifestations, genetics and prognosis. Secondary chromosomal changes occur as the disease progresses, such as myc rearrangement, del (13q), del (17p), del (1p), and amp (1q). This review summarizes common cell molecular genetic abnormalities in MM . First, chromosome 1 (1q) abnormal 1.1q Structure Description: 1q aberrations in MM initially found in traditional cytogenetics, including 1q12 ~ q23 forward and reverse repeats, 1q and other arm chromosomes, 1q jumping translocation [ 1-2], 1q especially 1q12 ~ q23 this region contains a large number of myeloma related candidate genes, such as PSMD4, PDZK1, IL6R, BCL9, CKS1B, we focus on the 1q21 region of the gene. The increased number of IL-6 receptor genes in MM leads to the activation of signaling pathways associated with tumor growth and proliferation, including JAK / STAT-3, MEK / ERK and PI3-K [3] Bone effect [4-5], promote the proliferation of bone marrow plasma cells, thereby secrete a large amount of β2 microglobulin (β2-MG), the prognosis is poor, short survival. In addition, the CKS1B gene is also located in the 1q21 region, which belongs to the Cks / Sucl protein family and affects the proliferation and survival of myeloma cells through SKP2-p27-dependent and independent pathways [6-7]. In myeloma cells, CKS1B knockdown causes a decrease in SKP2 expression and an up-regulation of p27 expression, and leads to strong apoptosis and growth inhibition. Further studies confirmed that STAT3, MEK / ERK, BCL2 is CKS1B downstream regulation