Laparoscopy-assisted D2 radical distal gastrectomy for gastric cancer (Billroth Ⅱ anastomosis)

来源 :Chinese Journal of Cancer Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ApexLiuNck
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Laparoscopic radical gastrectomy has been increasingly applied in China. However, how to reduce surgery-related trauma, shorten operative time and achieve the long-term prognosis equal to the conventional open surgery is still hot research topics. Along with the change in learning curve and the optimization of endoscopic techniques, laparoscopic lymph node dissection can achieve or even exceed the extent that can be achieved in open surgery. Therefore, it has gradually replaced the conventional digestive tract reconstruction using an auxiliary incision. By completing the laparoscopic digestive tract reconstruction with EndoGIA, we describe the laparoscopy-assisted D2 radical distal gastrectomy for gastric cancer (Billroth Ⅱ anastomosis). Laparoscopic radical gastrectomy has been increasingly applied in China. However, how to reduce surgery-related trauma, shorten operative time and achieve the long-term prognosis equal to the conventional open surgery is still hot research topics. Along with the change in learning curve and the optimization of endoscopic techniques can achieve or even exceed the extent that can be achieved in open surgery. It has been replaced the conventional digestive tract reconstruction using an auxiliary incision. By completing the laparoscopic digestive tract reconstruction with EndoGIA , we describe the laparoscopy-assisted D2 radical distal gastrectomy for gastric cancer (Billroth Ⅱ anastomosis).
人们不会忘记那个爬到坦克上挥斥方遒的叶利钦,人们也同样会记得,那个像一头大狗熊般狂歌劲舞的鲍里斯  从最初的列宁,到今天的普京,有人这样总结过苏联(俄罗斯)领导人的传承规律:一个头发少的人走了之后,一个头发多的人就会走上台来;另一个头发多的人走了之后,另一头发少的人就会走上台来  这个规律再次被叶利钦证实。1991年的圣涎夜里,随着克里姆林宫外苏联红旗的降落,谢顶的戈尔巴乔夫黯然退出政治舞台,
原定下午三时结束的集团董事会,一直拖到六点。王均金提着个黑色大皮包,走出会议室,有些疲惫,要了一大杯浓咖啡,强打起精神,还不是休息的时候,当天的另一项日程安排正等着他——媒体的采访。  一张酷似王均瑶的圆脸,神色凝重。掐指算来,三十九岁的王均金,接过均瑶集团掌舵位子已经两年零六个月。  与一出场就神采飞扬、颇具明星企业家气质的长兄不同,他生性严肃,沉默持重。十多年问,埋头于公司内部的运营和执行,甚
  Legionella is a causative agent of legionellosis.Infection with Legionella an important cause of community and hospital-cquired pneumonia.Moreover, i