一、工程概况本文所述工程由三栋塔楼组成,与裙楼一体,中间设有中央大厅,该大厅从地下一层直至裙楼三层顶部的采光屋面贯通,其顶部有三个独立天井式采光屋面,面积分别为361.5,252.5和420.5 m2,光照较好。由于地下至采光屋面形成了上下贯通的结构,且从地下一层至采光顶操作平台位置总高度为23.00 m,搭设脚手架工程量
First, the project overview The project described in this article consists of three towers, and the podium, with the central lobby, the hall from the ground floor until the podium three light roofs through the top three pillars at the top of three separate daylight Roof, the area was 361.5,252.5 and 420.5 m2, light is better. As the underground to light roof formed up and down through the structure, and from the ground floor to the lighting roof operating platform position total height of 23.00 m, erection of scaffolding works