党的十六大报告明确提出了要加强对权力的制约和监督 ,指出 :“建立结构合理、配置科学、程序严密、制约有效的权力运行机制 ,从决策和执行等环节加强对权力的监督 ,保证把人民赋予的权力真正用来为人民谋利益。”这既是当前政治体制改革的重要内容 ,也是防止腐败 ,做到标本兼
The report of the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China explicitly proposed that we should strengthen the restriction and supervision over power and pointed out: “To establish a mechanism for the operation of power that is reasonably structured, scientifically configured, well-disciplined and effective in terms of restraint and effectiveness and strengthens the supervision over power from such aspects as decision-making and implementation, Guaranteeing that the power entrusted by the people should really be used for the benefit of the people. ”This is an important part of the current political system reform as well as a measure to prevent corruption,