刺激消费需求,扩大内需是目前实现国民经济增长的一项重大举措。为了解天津市当前居民的消费状况,制定有关政策,天津社会科学院舆情研究所于1999年10月对天津市内六区的1200户居民进行了居民消费状况抽样问卷调查,并对全部问卷进行了 SPSS 社会统计软件的数据统计处理。本文将通过对调查结果的分
To stimulate consumer demand and expand domestic demand is a major move to achieve the national economic growth. To understand the current consumption status of residents in Tianjin and to formulate relevant policies, the Institute of Public Opinion of Tianjin Academy of Social Sciences conducted a sample survey on household consumption in 1200 households in the six districts of Tianjin in October 1999 and conducted a questionnaire survey on all the questionnaires SPSS social statistics software data statistical processing. This article will pass the survey results