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一、沿革影响清·张隐庵说:“药之相须相使、相恶相反,出北齐徐之才《药对》、非上古之论也。”此说不符史实。就现存文献考察,最早记载药物配伍关系的,是《神农本草经》。原著虽已早佚,但据清代孙星衍等所辑《本经》看,则不仅有药物配伍禁忌理论,而且还有配伍禁忌的具体内容。如《本经·卷三》云:“药有阴阳配合,……有单行者,有相须者,有相使者,有相畏者,有相恶者,有相反者,有相杀者,凡此七情,合和时(视)之,当用相须相使者良,勿用相恶相反者”。并在同卷《附诸药制使》下,援引宋·唐慎微的“《本经》相使,正(止)各一种,冀以《药对》参之,乃有两三”语后,分别列出了“甘草 First, the influence of the Qing Qing Zhang said: “The phase of the drug has to be opposite, the opposite is evil, only the medicine of the Northern Qi Xu, ”non-theory of the ancients.“ This is not consistent with the historical facts. As far as the existing literature is concerned, the earliest record of drug compatibility is Shennong Bencaojing. Although the original work has been early, but according to the Qing Dynasty Sun Xingyan and other books by the ”Ben“ look, there is not only the drug compatibility taboo theory, but also the incompatibility of the specific content. For example, ”The Book of Songs, Volume Three“: ”There are yin and yang in medicine, ... there are single-line, there must be those who need to be, there are those who meet each other, there is a similar person, there is a bad person, there is the opposite, there are killers, Whenever these seven emotions are combined, the time of peace and harmony (viewing) should be used to make the goodness of the phase and the opposite of the evil. And in the same volume “Applying to All Kinds of Drugs and Making System”, the Song of the Tang Dynasty was used to quote the “Ben Jing” of Song Shenwei. It is a (only) kind of one, and the “Drug Pair” is involved in it. There are two or three “after the words. , respectively listed "Glycyrrhiza
【目的】研究5种呋喃香豆素分子与DNA的相互作用,分析其潜在风险。【方法】通过共振散射光谱法(RLS)计算呋喃香豆素分子与DNA的结合饱和值(DNA BSV),通过DNA BSV反映药物分子
当前大学生存在明显的不良心理问题 ,如强迫症状、人际关系敏感等。造成这种现状的主要因素有学校的人际环境、文化价值环境、教育教学环境等 ,高校应充分认识加强心理健康教
<正>本品为盐酸溴己新的无菌冻干品。含盐酸溴己新(C14H20Br2N2·HCl)应为标示量的90. 0%~110. 0%。【性状】本品为白色或类白色的疏松块状物或粉末。【鉴别】(1)取本品适量(约相