牢记强军目标 献身强军实践

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建设一支听党指挥、能打胜仗、作风优良的人民军队这一党在新形势下的强军目标,是习近平主席总结我们党建军治军的成功经验,适应国际战略形势和国家安全环境的发展变化,着眼于实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦提出来的。强军目标对我军建设目标作了丰富发展和最新概括,集中体现了人民军队的根本性质、根本职能、根本宗旨,是新形势下加强国防和军队建设的根本遵循。驻藏部队戍守祖国西南重要战略方向,置身特殊环境、肩负特殊使命、进行特殊战斗,要自觉用强军目标统一思想行动、凝 Building a People’s Army that Listens to Party Commanders, Can Win Victories, and Works in a Style The Party’s goal of strengthening the military in the new situation is that President Xi Jinping summed up the successful experience of our party in building the military and the military and adapted to the international strategic situation and the national security environment Develop and change, and focus on the Chinese dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The goal of strengthening the armed forces has made a rich development and the latest generalization of the goal of our military construction, and has embodied the fundamental nature, fundamental functions and fundamental purposes of the people’s army in a concentrated manner. It is the fundamental compulsion for strengthening national defense and army building in the new situation. The units stationed in the army guarding the important strategic direction of the southwest of the motherland and are exposed to a special environment, shouldering their special missions and carrying out special operations. They should conscientiously use the goal of a strong army to unify their thinking and action.
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试验方法1.液压系统的部件和机组的密封性检验是在压力超过额定工作压力0.5倍的条件下进行的。试验时间不少于两分钟。试验时采用的工作油液应是苏联国家标准 Test Methods
小李:为了战胜当前越来越严重的旱情,我县决定向地下要水,计划在平原区公社打一批机井。听说你是搞水文地质工作的,你能不能给我们介绍一下有关打机井的知识啊? Xiao Li: I