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  1. Model behavior
  The most important thing you can do to convert others to your ideas is to be the best model possible. Walk the walk, and do it visibly, so others can see what you’re doing. This goes for your spouse, for your kids, for family and friends, for co-workers. Just showing how to do it can be a powerful tool indeed. Cherish your life, live more simply, and you’ll go a long way in converting others.
  2. Share how important it is to you, and the benefits
  This is really the second part of being a role model: as you start to live the simple life, show others, how great it is to you, how important a part of your life this is. Talk with them about it, and tell them why you’re doing this. When people understand your motivation, they can start to get on board, or at least stop feeling so threatened. And when they see how great it is for you, how happy it makes you and all the great things it brings into your life, they’ll move closer and closer to your way.
  3. Ask for help
  One of the first things I did with Eva was ask for her support. Not just her consent, but her physical help. I confessed that I can’t do it on my own and I need her. Many people, if they truly care about you and want to help you; if they want you to be happy, and if you tell them how they can help you succeed, they’ll do their best. If possible, make simplifying a team effort — not just something you’re doing, but something you’re all doing together. And make it fun!
  4. Educate
  The best way to educate others is, as I said above, by your good example. But beyond that, you may want to share books and websites and blogs you’re reading, not in a way that insists that they change, but just to show what you’re interested in and how they might learn more if they’re interested. Documentaries, podcasts, magazines, and other good sources of information are helpful as well. You can’t force people to read or watch, but you can make it available. In addition, talk with them about it — again, not in a pushy way but in a way that shows how excited you are and how you’d like to share what you’re learning about. If they seem put off, don’t drone on and on.
  5. Help them succeed
  If you do have some success converting some of the important people in your life to your way of thinking, at least to a minor degree, don’t criticize when they don’t do it as well as you’d like, or to the extent you’d like. Instead, be encouraging, be happy for them, and support them in any way you can. Again, make it a team effort.
  6. Realize you can’t control or change others
  One of the most common frustrations comes when people try to control other people, or force them to change. It’s a recipe for disaster. You can try to control others, but there will always be a struggle, and you’ll always fail to some degree. This applies to your significant other, even to kids. We try to control them but we can’t, not really. Instead, try to influence others, encourage them, support them, help them find happiness. And let go of the need to control. It’s difficult but really essential here. Once you can release that need to control, you’ll find much more happiness.
  7. Set boundaries
  Once you stop trying to control others, you have to find ways to live together with different goals and different ways of life. If you want to simplify and the others you live or work with don’t, how can you peacefully coexist in the same space? Some possibilities (but nowhere near an exhaustive list): decide who owns what and just simplify your own things; split up the house or office into your area and theirs; find a happy compromise between simplicity and major clutter.
  8. Have patience
  Don’t expect others to change overnight just because you have. The important people in your life might not get quite as excited about this change, because it’s not coming from them. They might not learn it as quickly as you have. Or they might not want to change or support your change at all, at first...but later, they might come around. Again, don’t push or be obnoxious about it, but instead be patient with an attitude of sharing what you’re learning and excited about.
  9. Change what you can
  Sometimes you can’t change everything you’d like, and you have to learn to accept that. Find areas you can control, find places that others will allow you to change, and focus on those. The other areas might come later (or they might not). You give up complete control, but you also get the wonder of sharing your life with other human beings, something I’d never give up.
  10. Find support
  If you can’t get support from some people in your life, find it elsewhere if possible. This might be from others who are doing the same thing as you — friends or family, or people in your community. It could be from online communities, such as social networks or forums. There are tons of people out there who are trying to simplify. Share your progress, challenges, frustrations with them, and you’ll find help from people who understand.
  1. 做行动上的榜样
  2. 分享简单生活对你的重要性以及它的好处
  3. 寻求帮助
  4. 教育
  5. 帮助他人成功
  6. 认清你不能控制或者改变他人
  7. 设置边界
  8. 有耐心
  不要因为你自己的改变就期望别人一夜之间就改变,你生命中重要的人未必会为这种改变而兴奋,因为那不是出自于他们自愿。他们可能不如你学得那么快。或者他们可能不想改变,也不支持你的改变,开始他们是这样的 —— 但是慢慢地,他们或许就开始理解你了。还得强调的是,不要急, 不要厌倦,要耐心与人分享你正获得的和你所感兴趣的东西。
  9. 改变你能改变的
  有时候,你无法改变你想改变的一切,那你就得学会接受。找到你可以控制的事情,找到他人允许你改变的地方,并专注于那些地方。其他的事情也许会迟些出现 (也许不会出现)。这是你生活中来自于其它的部分:你放弃完全绝对控制,但是你也可以获得与他人分享自己生活的乐趣,这个方面是我从未放弃的。
  10. 寻求支持
On Sundays my father always wore that dull gray apron-the one with the race cars all over it. The ritual began after breakfast when Dad al-ways announced: "Go ahead everyone.
我多想变成一朵白云,  飘在家乡宽阔的山岭。  我多想化成一阵微风,  送去心中轻轻的问候。  我多想变成一束花儿,  微微散发甜甜的香意。  我多想化成一只蝴蝶,  朝你的足迹行处飞去。
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I was 18, about to start college andbroke.
Beautiful sun that giveth us light,  Beautiful boon that shineth by night,  Beautiful planets in the heaven so far,  Beautiful twinkle of each little star.    Beautiful waters so blue and so clear,  B
A    “Life is all about choices. You choosehow you react to situations.
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