
来源 :江西林业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haru
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省林学会于8月5—9日召开了全省林业发展战略学术讨论会。出席会议的85名代表中,有林业高级工程师4名,工程师47名。会议收到营林、森工、森林经理、林产化学、系统工程等各类学术论文80篇,从各个侧面阐述了林业在四化建设中的地位、作用和我省林业发展的战略目标、战略重点及战略措施。 Provincial Forest Society held August 5-9 in the province’s forestry development strategy seminars. Among the 85 delegates attending the meeting, there were 4 forestry senior engineers and 47 engineers. The conference received 80 academic papers including silvicultural forestry, forestry workers, forest managers, forestry chemistry, and systems engineering, and explained the status and role of forestry in the four modernizations and the strategic goals of forestry development in our province from all aspects. The strategy Focus and strategic measures.
通过教师灵活的引导,学生鲜活的思维,课堂活跃的气氛,进而活化英语课堂,激活学生思维,培养学生运用语言的能力。 Through teachers’ flexible guidance, fresh thinking of