前几年,印度学者P·K考赛维(Gosavi)在瑞士国际纸学者协会出版的《国际纸史情报》会刊上发表文章,声言早在公元前327年印度即已掌握了造纸术,并能造出质量很好的纸,因此造纸术是印度发明的。不仅如此,考赛维还进而声言纸是随佛经从印度传入中国的……,云云。考氏此说一出,立即遭到我国纸史家和历史学家纷纷著文驳斥,一致指出考氏的说法是错误的,毫无史实根据。 我国纸史家荣元恺工程师(瑞士国际纸史协会会员)前年在《纸史研究》专刊第一期中发表的《驳造纸术最早始于印度说》一文中着重指出:考氏所谓“纸是印度发明的”之说纯属无视历史事实的主观臆断,他根本举不
A few years ago, Indian scholar P. Kosavi published an article in the International Paperworm Newspaper published by the International Association of Paper Scholars in Switzerland stating that India had mastered paper-making as early as 327 BC, And can make good quality paper, so papermaking was invented in India. Not only that, but also further proverbial test of the paper with the Buddhist scriptures from India into China's ... ... and so on. Kaoshi remarked that immediately by our paper historians and historians have articles refuted, unanimously pointed out that Kaoshi's argument is wrong, there is no historical basis. Paper historian Rong Yuan-kai, a member of the Swiss International Paper History Association, said in his article “Papermaking Research” the first issue of the first issue of “Papermaking Research” that “paper was India Invented ”purely ignore the subjective assumption of historical facts, he simply does not