WHO在《2 0 0 0年世界卫生报告》中所应用的卫生服务筹资公平性指标,卫生筹资公平指数(fairnessoffinancingcontribution ,FFC)及其测算方法在世界各地引起了极大争议。对其批评主要集中在3个方面[1,2 ] :首先,它不能辨别这个筹资体系是累进还是累退。其次,卫生筹资贡献率(heal
The WHO equity fairness indicators for health services, the fairness of funding (FFC) and its measurement methods used in the World Health Report 2000 have caused great controversy around the world. Its criticism is mainly focused on three aspects [1,2]: First, it can not tell whether the funding system is progressive or regressive. Second, the contribution rate of health financing (heal