Cross-border water disputes refer to disputes among countries that arise as a result of demarcation of cross-border rivers, navigation, development and utilization, water distribution, protection and management. The third party involved in cross-border water dispute is the concrete application and development of the method of peaceful settlement of disputes in the field of water wars. The third party is a combination of legal methods and political methods. It is an important supplementary method for the peaceful settlement of disputes. It has the right of investigation, disposition, determination and suggestion. The third party has the right to establish on the basis of the consent of the parties to the dispute of. Undoubtedly, these characteristics make it a more active and widely used mechanism in the settlement of transboundary water disputes. The Permanent Courts of International Justice, the International Court of Justice and non-governmental organizations are prominent representatives of third parties to the transboundary water dispute, which play an important role in the practice of the settlement of transboundary water disputes and have corresponding limitations as well. A comprehensive understanding of the relevant third-party practice and its role is a useful inspiration for our country’s future resolution of the cross-boundary water dispute.