991 ~ 1994 orthopedic teaching hospital of Zambia University of patients infected with HIV and non-infected patients underwent a clinical study. In order to provide the patient and the surgeon with more precise information about which operations are at risk for HIV infection and attract their attention and hope which clinical indications of HIV infection may increase the incidence of postoperative complications and Cross-infection between HIV infected patients. This group of patients are adult patients (15 to 55 years of age), with my consent after the HIV blood test for patients with orthopedic surgery. Results: A total of 368 patients underwent HIV blood tests (including HIV I and HIV II), of which 147 (42%) were HIV positive and 74 patients did not have any clinical signs. Hemoglobin (111g / l, 131g / l), leukocytes (6.1x109 / l, 8.5x109 / l) and lymphocytes (2.3x109 / l , 2.9 × 109 / l). Infected group were lower than non-infected group. The mean level of ESR in infected group was higher than that in non-infected group (67mm / 1h, 44mm / 1h). Postoperative complications (wound infection, chest infection, body temperature and anemia) were 64% in the infected group and 30% in the noninfected group.26 wound infections occurred in 220 of 220 clean surgeries, of which 60 were infected with HIV Twenty patients had an infection, while only 16 of the 160 non-infected HIV patients were infected.