1999年以来,国家广播电影电视总局根据党中央、国务院的指示精神,在全国范围内开展了村村通广播电视工作。这项工程的实施惠及了山区农民,对农业发展、农村稳定、农民增收起到了不可估量的作用,群众无不拍手称快。几年过去了,“村村通”成果巩固得怎样?农民群众是否能正常收看到电视节目?带着这个问题我对全县的“村村通”现状进行了调查: 一、“村村通”现状山西省代县位于山西省中北部的雁门关脚下,全县11 个乡(镇),384个行政村,约21万人,65000多户,属国家贫困县。其中山区村庄152个,9200多户,23000多人,
Since 1999, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television conducted radio and television broadcasting in every village across the country in accordance with the instructions of the Central Party Committee and the State Council. The implementation of this project benefited peasants in mountainous areas and played an invaluable role in agricultural development, rural stability and farmers’ income increase. A few years later, what is the result of “village-village communication” being consolidated? Can the peasants normally watch TV programs? With this question, I conducted a survey on the status quo of “village through” in the county: I. Present situation of “village through” County Shanxi is located at the foot of Yanmenguan in the north-central Shanxi Province, with 11 townships (towns) and 384 An administrative village, about 210000 people, more than 65000 households, is a national poverty county. Among them, there are 152 villages in mountainous area, more than 9,200 households, more than 23,000 people,