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2011年7月,建设使用了25年的北京白河桥由于超载等原因发生了坍塌破坏,为了让这样的严重事故警醒人们,总结经验教训,避免同类事故再次发生,特将相关情况介绍如下。建造维护有无问题?宝山寺白河桥是北京长度最长的刚架拱桥。建造时虽然全国已经有不少这种桥型,但北京还没有。那时,先后设计建造了3座刚架拱桥。第1座在海子水库,只有1跨,长60m。第2座就是宝山寺白河桥,为4跨(即4孔)连拱设计。第3座是八达岭南口的狼窝 In July 2011, Beijing Baihe Bridge, which has been in use for 25 years, collapsed due to overload and other reasons. In order to alert such people to serious accidents and to summing up experience and lessons to prevent recurrence of similar incidents, the relevant situations are introduced as follows. Building maintenance is there any problem? Baoshan Temple White River Bridge is the longest in Beijing rigid frame arch bridge. Although there are already many such bridges in the country at the time of construction, Beijing has not yet had it. At that time, has designed and built three rigid frame arch bridge. The first one in the sea reservoir, only 1 span, length 60m. The second is Baoshan Temple White River Bridge, 4 cross (that is, 4 holes) arch design. The third is the Wandou south of Badaling