
来源 :中国水电医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fabiosyn
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由于颈部解剖复杂,虽然临床上表现为一个或数个肿块,但病变却大有不同。随着临床经验积累,知识面拓展,一个合格的临床医生对于出现的各种颈部肿块,会很快做出初步印象诊断。颈部肿块根据其发生的时间,分为先天性肿块和后天性肿块。后天性肿块又分为新生物性及炎性肿块,炎性肿块分为特异性炎性(结核性)和非特异性炎性肿块,新生物肿块分为良性和恶性肿瘤。一、先天性肿块1.甲状舌管囊肿:为最常见的颈正中线囊肿。来源于胚胎时期甲状舌管残留,发生部位上起舌骨孔,下至胸骨柄切迹任何处以及胸锁乳突肌前缘。发病年龄 Due to the complicated anatomy of the neck, although the clinical manifestations of one or several lumps, but the lesions are very different. With the accumulation of clinical experience, knowledge expansion, a qualified clinician for the emergence of a variety of neck lumps, will soon make a preliminary impression diagnosis. Neck mass is based on the time it occurs, is divided into congenital mass and acquired mass. Acquired tumors are divided into new biological and inflammatory mass, inflammatory mass is divided into specific inflammatory (tuberculous) and non-specific inflammatory mass, new biological mass is divided into benign and malignant tumors. First, the congenital mass 1 thyroglossal cyst: the most common neck is the midline cyst. From the thyroid tongue during the embryonic residue, the occurrence of hypoalpeptic parts of the site, anywhere down to the sternotomy notch and sternocleidomastoid front. Age of onset
1990年3月至1994年6月用美国产CoBe—Ⅱ型血液透析机和上海产 TX110型中空纤维透析器对36例急、慢性肾功能不全病人进行了1230例次血液透析,小结如下。临床资料一、一般情况
难治性癫痫的治疗较为棘手 ,抗癫痫新药只能使 1/ 3患者受益。近 2 0年来 ,癫痫的外科手术为难治性癫痫的治疗开辟了新的途径。我国各省市也都成立很多癫痫外科治疗中心。目
2001年9月19日,Win32,Nimda worm(又名W32/Nimda@MM)蠕虫病毒从美国进入中国,并在一天之内蔓延到北京、深圳、厦门、安徽、成都、苏州等地,该病毒已经侵入我国许多计算机网
本论文阐述合理取消混凝土后浇带的依据和工程实践效果 ,值得推荐。 This paper elaborates the rational basis for canceling the basis of concrete post-casting belt a