A cementation method of loose particles based on microbe-based cement

来源 :Science China(Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:PM123nx
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Microbe-based cement has been widely reported in recent literatures. It is a new method of consolidating loose fine particles, which relies on the bacterially induced formation of a compatible carbonate precipitation around individual particles and at particle-particle contacts. Materials and cementation procedure are two major factors that influence the cementation performance of microbe-based cement. Besides, there are some other factors related to the performance, such as pH, temperature, metabolism activity, the flushed times of bacterial solution, concentration of substrate and calcium ion, etc., which affect consolidation function. The assessment methods for cementation process are carried out by various techniques. The performance of consolidation loose grains based on microbe-based cement is tested with the help of experiment. In this paper a review is presented on the cementation mechanism of microbe-based cement, techniques utilized to monitor cementation process, the consolidated performance by microbe-based cement and bond factors. Microbe-based cement has been widely reported in recent literatures. It is a new method of consolidating loose fine particles, which relies on the bacterially induced formation of a compatible carbonate precipitation around individual particles and at particle-particle contacts. Materials and cementation procedure are two major factors that influence the cementation performance of microbe-based cement. Besides, there are some other factors related to the performance, such as pH, temperature, metabolism activity, the flushed times of bacterial solution, concentration of substrate and calcium ion, etc ., which affect consolidation function. The assessment methods for cementation process are carried out by various techniques. The performance of consolidation loose grains based on microbe-based cement is tested with the help of experiment. In this paper a review is presented on the cementation mechanism of microbe-based cement, technique utilized to monitor cementation process, the consoli dated performance by microbe-based cement and bond factors.
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一年,三百六十五天,地球绕太阳一周的时间。那么,还有其他表示“年”的词吗?有,下面就从古诗、对联、成语、现代文中各找一例来说说。 One year, three hundred and sixty-f
一本完成于1571年的《吉拉德斯·麦凯特地图集》,1979年3月在著名的英国索思比拍卖行以70万美元的价格售出,令收藏界大大吃了一惊。 其实,这只是近年来国外古地图身价日涨的
格ɡé里lǐ格ɡé出chū生shēnɡ在zài一yí个ɡè古ɡǔ老lǎo的de巫wū婆pó家jiā族zú。她tā的de妈mā妈mɑ是shì巫wū婆pó,爸bà爸bɑ是shì魔mó法fǎ师shī,她tā有yǒu着zhe非fēi常chánɡ纯chún正zhènɡ的de巫wū魔mó血xuè统tǒnɡ。  格ɡé里lǐ格ɡé有yǒu十shí二èr个ɡè哥ɡē哥ɡe和hé十shí一yī个ɡè姐jiě姐jie