山西省2002年煤炭产量完成四亿吨,煤炭产销两旺,出口增加,各项经济指标创出近年来的最好水平。山西省省长刘振华提出,山西煤炭行业要适应当前新的形势,居安思危,自加压力,继续推进结构调整,不断创造新的优势,努力把山西省的煤炭产业做大做强。 刘振华指出,煤炭工业作为国民经济的基础产业,在新型工业化道路上首当其
In 2002, Shanxi Province completed 400 million tons of coal production, boosted the production and sales of coal, and increased exports. All economic indicators set the highest level in recent years. Shanxi Province Governor Liu Zhenhua proposed that Shanxi’s coal industry should adapt itself to the current new situation, be vigilant in times of peace and voluntarily put pressure on it, continue to promote structural adjustment, continue to create new advantages and strive to make the coal industry in Shanxi Province bigger and stronger. Liu Zhenhua pointed out that as the basic industry of the national economy, the coal industry should take the lead in the new-type industrialization