国家对煤炭工业采取重大宏观调控举措 关闭非法和布局不合理煤矿 关闭矿井2.58万处 压减产量2.5亿吨

来源 :中国煤炭 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:thirdeyes
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Based on the decision made by the State Council, the “National Working Conference on the Closure of illegal Coal Mines and irrationally Distributed Coal Mines ”was held in Beijing. It is decided on the Conference that a total of Zd,800 coal mines be closed dowm with reduced coal production of 250 Mt. The article introduces the guidelines of mine closure and coal production reduction, limit of mine closure, goals of mine closure and production reduction, relevant policies and appraisal and acceptance standards for closed coal mines. Based on the decision made by the State Council, the “National Working Conference on the Closure of illegal Coal Mines and irrationally Distributed Coal Mines ”was held in Beijing. It is decided on the Conference that a total of Zd,800 coal mines Be closed dowm with reduced coal production of 250 Mt. The article includes the guidelines of mine closure and coal production reduction, limit of mine closure, goals of mine closure and production reduction, relevant policies and appraisal and acceptance standards for closed coal mines.
本刊今年第一期发表《智者房林相》一文后,在读者中引起强烈反响。各地读者不断来信来电询问有关“四化水”的详细情况。为此,本期特设版面,对产品加以简要介绍。 超日牌明
美国第二代因特网计划实施情况展览最近在华盛顿举行,这个展览由白宫、7个联邦政府机构和企业界以及大学联合举办,目的是推进第二代因特网的建设。 克林顿总统早在1996年10