Mr. Qian Baojian (1892-1974), a native of Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province, is one of the founders of the well-known math historians and math educators, the history of Chinese mathematics and the history of Chinese astronomy. In 1911 graduated from the University of Birmingham Department of Civil Engineering. He returned to China in 1912 and has successively served as mathematics teacher, associate professor and professor in Suzhou Industrial College, Nankai University, Central University, Zhejiang University and other colleges. In 1956 transferred to Chinese Academy of Sciences history of Chinese science research, any researcher, China Natural History Research Committee, “history of science” editor. Mr. Qian Baojian started to study the history of Chinese mathematics and Chinese astronomy from the 1920s. He has published dozens of papers and books such as History of Chinese Mathematics, Ancient Tests, ) And other monographs, which have made tremendous contributions to the establishment and development of the discipline of science in China. This article gives a comprehensive introduction of Mr. Qian Baoji’s life story, academic achievements, academic thoughts and moral demeanor as a memorial to Mr. Qian’s 100th birthday.