To the south of Archaean Huai’an Complex along the frontier of Shanxi, Inner Mongolia and Hebei, the granite belt separated with Archaean Huai’an Complex by high-pressure granulite complex is an individual petrotectonic unit more than 20 km in the width. The granite belt extends intermittently about 200 km from the south of Tianzhen to Xigeyu and Erdaolin of Xuanhua. The extensional direction is consistent with that of regional gneissosity and major stuctural line. The granite belt consists of some middle-small scale of granite bodies and relict bodies. Most of them are characterized by red-colored potassic granites and high-Pressure granulite inclusions. The mineral assemblage of Qz+Per+P1± Gt+Bi ±Hb (brown)+Mt and the compositions of garnet and biotite in some of granite bodies indicate that they underwent granulitic facies metamorphism. The compositions of most of granites are close to subsolvus granites and show the evolutional tendency of calc-alkaline series. The geochendcal featues of granites show that they are rich in K, Rb and Ba, and poor in Zr, Y and Yb, and some samPles is also deplete in Th, Ta and Nb. Granites formed by the melting of different types of source rocks and have similar geochemical features with collisional granite. Their zircon U-Pb data yield a uniform age of 237OMa,which indicates they formed in Archaean
To the south of Archaean Huai’an Complex along the frontier of Shanxi, Inner Mongolia and Hebei, the granite belt separated with Archaean Huai’an Complex by high-pressure granulite complex is an individual petrotectonic unit more than 20 km in the width. granite belt extends intermittently about 200 km from the south of Tianzhen to Xigeyu and Erdaolin of Xuanhua. The extensional direction is consistent with that of regional gneissosity and major stuctural line. The granite belt consists of some middle-small scale of granite bodies and relict bodies . Most of them are characterized by red-colored potassic granites and high-pressure granulite inclusions. The mineral assemblage of Qz + Per + P1 ± Gt + Bi ± Hb (brown) + Mt and the compositions of garnet and biotite in some of granite bodies indicate that they underwent granulitic facies metamorphism. The compositions of most of granites are close to subsolvus granites and show the evolutional tendency of calc-alkaline series. The geochendcal fe atues of granites show that they are rich in K, Rb and Ba, and poor in Zr, Y and Yb, and some samPles is also complete in Th, Ta and Nb. Granites formed by the melting of different types of source rocks and have similar geochemical features with collisional granite. Their zircon U-Pb data yield a uniform age of 237OMa, which indicates they formed in Archaean