关于源 采访杨立新,本来是让他谈因演《天下第一楼》获得了梅花奖的体会,可他首先却没有谈他获奖剧目的得失,而是远远地从他初入北京人艺学员班谈起。1975年,不到18岁的杨立新进入了北京人艺的学员班,那时没有电视剧,全国一年也拍不了几个电影,作为一个学员并不像现在中戏的小明星们有着多么远大的追求,无非是找了一个既不是领导阶级,也不会有多少钱的工作而已。人艺的学员也是从学徒工干起,第一年每月18块钱的伙食费,以后三五年涨一次工资,一切按部就班,没有多大的功利思想,所
Yang Lixin interviewed about the source originally had him talk about winning the Plum Blossom Prize in the world’s first floor. However, he first did not talk about the pros and cons of his award-winning repertoire, but far from entering Beijing as a human art student Talk about the class. In 1975, less than 18-year-old Yang Lixin entered the Beijing art group of students, then there is no TV series, the country can not shoot a few movies a year, as a student is not like the small stars in the show are now so lofty Pursuit is nothing more than looking for a job that is neither a leadership nor a lot of money. Humanities students also start from the apprentice, the first year of 18 dollars a month of meals, after three or five years up a salary, all step by step, not much utilitarian thought,