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经常听到这样一个词:女人味。什么是女人味呢?私下里认为:“女人味”是一种动态的、变化的、立体的气质与氛围,它不应该只是一张贴在女人脸上的面膜,总显得过于平面与惨白。我愿意相信“女人味”是有境界的,至少可以分为下面的三层境界:“女人味”的第一层境界:这是一种原始的、天性的女人味。我们常常所说的“温柔、顺从”最能代表这一境界的女人气质。这一境界的女人,通常缺乏一种经济的独立或者是缺乏精神上的独立,她们的温柔顺从之中,常常带有隐忍的、自我克制的色彩。 Often hear the words: femininity. What is feminine? Privately think: “femininity ” is a dynamic, changing, three-dimensional temperament and atmosphere, it should not be just a mask attached to a woman’s face, the total appears too flat and pale . I am willing to believe that “feminine ” is a realm, at least can be divided into the following three levels: “femininity ” the first level: this is a primitive, natural femininity. We often say “gentle, obedient ” the most representative of this woman’s temperament. Women of this realm often lack an economic independence or lack of spiritual independence, and their gentle obedience often carries intolerance and self-restraint.