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一、种芋的收藏选择长势好、倒苗迟,无病害的植株留种。贮前作好预处理是贮藏好魔芋的关键。魔芋倒苗后,选择天气晴朗时收挖。剔除伤、破、烂的块茎及肉质根,置太阳下晾晒或放通风处风干,待其失水10—15%时,即可贮藏。宿地留种法当年魔芋不收挖,霜降后,畦面铺一层草,深挖畦沟排水,草层覆盖泥土厚3—5寸,以保持土壤的干燥和温度,来年立春后挖出栽种。土坑贮藏法在房前屋后背风向阳、干燥的地方,深挖1米的土坑,坑底铺稻草,将预处理的种芋顶芽向上层层铺入,至与地平再盖一层稻草,覆土6—8寸厚、轻轻压实,用稻草披成屋顶状,坑周围深挖排水沟。室内贮藏将预处理的种芋装筐覆盖,放在干燥通风处或直接摊放地板上覆盖稻草,防寒防冻。也可在室内铺一层河沙放一层种芋,堆放3—4层,顶层盖河沙贮藏。烟熏炕种法在厨房顶搭架,将预处理后的种芋铺上,用筐装悬于灶房上,借烟和热熏种。这样种芋的种皮紧硬,害虫不易侵入,并有杀死表层虫卵病菌的作用,是一种较好的方法。 First, the kind of taro collection choose to grow well, pour late seedlings, disease-free plants to stay species. Pre-storage pretreatment konjac is the key to storage. Konjac inverted Miao, choose to dig when the weather is sunny. Remove the broken, broken, rotten tubers and fleshy root, put the sun drying or ventilated place to dry, until the water 10-15%, you can store. Stay dormitory method konjac do not dig, frost down, noodle shop a layer of grass, dig ditch ditch drainage, grass cover soil 3-5 inches thick, in order to maintain soil dryness and temperature, the spring of next year after digging plant. Pit storage method In front of the house behind the leeward sunny, dry place, dig a 1-meter pit, bottom of the pit shop straw, the pretreatment kind of taro buds to the top of the shop, and then covered with the horizon Straw, soil cover 6-8 inches thick, lightly compacted, straw roof into the shape of the pit deep dig drainage. Indoor storage Pre-treated species taro basket covered, placed in a dry and ventilated place or directly spread the floor covered with straw, cold frost. Can also shop a layer of river sand store a layer of kinds of taro, stacked 3-4 layers, the top cover river sand storage. Smoke kang law in the kitchen at the top of the rack, the kind of taro pretreatment shop, with a basket hanging in the stove room, smoke and heat by smoking. This kind of taro seed coat hard, pests and difficult to invade, and kill the role of surface egg beet bacteria, is a better way.