A 4 GHz CMOS multiplier for sigma–delta modulated signals

来源 :Journal of Semiconductors | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qq774257837
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An integrated circuit design of a high speed multiplier for direct sigma–delta modulated bit-stream signals is presented. Compared with conventional structures, this multiplier reduces the circuit-loop delay of its sub-modules and works efficiently at a high speed. The multiplier’s stability has also been improved with source coupled logic technology. The chip is fabricated in a TSMC 0.18- m CMOS process. The test results demonstrate thatthechiprealizesthemultiplicationfunctionandexhibitsanexcellentperformance.Itcanworkat4GHzandthe voltage output amplitude reaches the designed maximum value with no error bit caused by logic race-and-hazard.Additionally, the analysis of the multiplier’s noise performance is also presented. Compared with conventional structures, this multiplier reduces the circuit-loop delay of its sub-modules and works efficiently at a high speed. The multiplier’s stability has also been improved with source coupled logic technology. The test results demonstrate that the current real-time multifunctionfunctionandexhibitsanexcellentperformance.Itcanworkat4GHzandthe voltage output amplitude reaches the recommended maximum value with no error bit caused by logic race-and- hazard. Additionally, the analysis of the multiplier’s noise performance is also presented.
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<正> 日本新闻学家小野秀雄,作为日本新闻学会的创始人,名誉会长和新闻文化奖的获得者,对于日本新闻学、新闻教育及新闻事业发展的贡献,已得到国际新闻界的普遍承认。其成名作《日本新闻发达史》、《新闻学原理》等,亦是日本新闻学术的经典。1977年7月18日,小野秀雄逝世,日本各大报均