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“7·5”事件以来,全区各级组织部门在党委的坚强领导下,迅速行动起来,广泛发动基层党组织和广大党员干部,深入开展“讲事件真相、讲民族团结、讲政策法律”活动,对讲明事件真相、揭露敌人阴谋、化解对立情绪,稳定民心、稳控局势,发挥了重要作用。自治区党委组织部在7月18日印发《讲事件真相、讲民族团结、讲政策法律宣讲材料》的基础上,收集补充了一批新的资料,编写了《讲事件真相、讲民族团结、讲政策法律宣讲材料(二)》,本刊特刊登,以供各地各部门各单位学习。 Since the “July 5” incident, the organizational departments at all levels in the entire district have been quick to act under the strong leadership of the party committees and extensively mobilize grass-roots party organizations and a large number of party members and cadres to conduct in-depth talks on the truth of the incident and on ethnic unity Policy and law “activities have played an important role in explaining the truth of the incident, exposing enemy conspiracies, resolving antagonistic sentiments, stabilizing the people’s livelihood and stabilizing the situation. On July 18, the organization department of the party committee of the autonomous region collected and supplemented a batch of new materials on the basis of ”telling the truth of the incident, speaking about ethnic solidarity and telling the materials about the policy and law,“ and compiled a document entitled ”Tell the truth of the incident and talk about the unity of ethnic groups. Policy and Law Publicity Materials (2) ", published special issue, for all localities and departments to learn.
2005年,上海高校毕业生共11.6 万人,总人数比2004年上升2万,其中高职高专毕业生为4.6万,较之2004年增长了6000人。“尽管绝对人数增长了,但在各部门的共同努力下,今年上海高
一条国内同行业中技术含量最高、生产规模最大的激光缸套生产线日前在西安市内燃机配件厂通过国家验收。 A domestic industry with the highest technical content, the la
<正> 中国首届语用学研讨会1989年11月27-30日在广州外国语学院举行。参加会议的有桂诗春、何自然、王宗炎、胡壮麟、程雨民、汪耀楠、张信威、曾国璋、黄均、陈楚祥等29人,分别来自21所高等院校和研完、出版单位。
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