要在复杂的人际关系和激烈的社会竞争中保持不败,就不得不多备几张面具:在领导面前,我是一个乖巧听话的下属 从小我就是一个充满了反叛性的家伙,虽然社会的熔炉已经整整冶炼了我十个春秋,但骨子里那种反叛的精神还是挥之不去。不过,我可不像那些个恃才傲物、锋芒毕露的小青年们那么蠢,虽然对那位说话 嗦,似乎永远也找不到要点的上司我是打心眼里瞧不起,但是我深知“胳膊拧不过大腿” 的内涵,懂得“人在屋檐下,怎能不低头”的道理,因此我能心安理得地接受上司对我的领导,用恭恭敬敬的态度来显示我对他的尊重。当然,我的付出不是白费的,对于我这样一个谦逊有礼的下属,上司自然信任有加,有好事儿也会首先考虑到我那一份。
In order to remain unbeaten in complicated interpersonal relationships and fierce social competition, I have to prepare a few more masks: In front of the leadership, I was a subordinate obedient child I was a guy full of rebellion, although the social The furnace has been fully smelt me ten years, but the kind of rebel spirit still lingering. However, I do not like those arrogant, hard-edged young people are so stupid, although the speaker who said word, never seem to find the point boss I was psyche look down, but I know “arms twist thigh” I understand the leadership of my boss in my heart and show respect for him in a respectful manner. Of course, my payment is not wasted. For such a modest and honored subordinate as me, my boss naturally trusts me, and good things first consider my copy.