也许是受父辈的影响,从小我就喜欢写字、画画。记得小学四年级时,我临摹的“雷锋”像便在同学中广为传看。 “文革”期间,书没读成,却在刷标语、办专栏、写大字报、画伟人像中长进了画技,各种不同尺寸、不同形体的字也能随手涂抹。搞宣传需要多面手,除画画外,我也临帖练字。一个偶然的机会,我借到黄庭坚的《松风阁》和怀素的《自述帖》,爱不释手,看了又看,临了又临,并开始知道了什么是书法艺术。
May be influenced by fathers, I grew like writing, painting. I remember the fourth grade, I copy “Lei Feng ” as widely spread in the classmates. During the “Cultural Revolution”, the book did not read, but in the brush slogans, do columns, write posters, painted great man portrait into the painting skills, a variety of different sizes, different shapes of the word can readily smear. Engage in propaganda needs a versatile, in addition to painting, I also Linzhe practice. By chance, I borrowed Huang Tingjian’s “Song Feng Ge” and Huai Su’s “self-report posts”, put it down, looked it over, and came to an end, and began to know what is the art of calligraphy.