民以食为天,100年前,数万百姓与贪官劣绅正面对峙的长沙抢米风潮暴发,展示了湖湘子弟不屈不挠的斗争精神。 1909年夏天,湖南发大水,洞庭湖、滨湖大多数地方颗粒无收,大量的灾民涌向长沙。而长沙、善化两县却因旱灾和虫灾粮食大幅减产,造成城乡粮食供应吃紧。当时湖南巡抚岑春蓂不但不采取措施救济灾民,反而和长沙的劣绅叶德辉、王先谦、杨巩等互相勾结,囤积粮食,偷送出境以牟取暴利。长沙开埠以来即
Hundreds of years ago, when tens of thousands of people clashed with the corrupt officials and evil gentry in Changsha, they stole the wave of rice grabbing and demonstrated the indomitable fighting spirit of the Hunan children. The summer of 1909, Hunan made water, Dongting Lake, most parts of Lake Bin no crop, a large number of flood victims flocked to Changsha. In Changsha and Shanhua counties, the food supply in urban and rural areas was tight due to the drastic reduction in grain output due to drought and pests. At that time, the governor of Hunan, Cen Chunxu, not only did not take any measures to relieve the victims, but instead collaborated with the evil adversaries such as Ye Dehui, Wang Xianqian and Yang Gong in Changsha to hoard food and steal food from abroad to reap huge profits. Since the opening of Changsha that is