涉县位于太行山东麓,河北省西南部,晋冀豫三省交界处。自古有“秦晋之要冲,燕赵之名邑”的美称。全县辖9镇、21乡、308个行政村,总面积1509.3平方公里,其中农用土地2.73万公顷,宜林宜牧山坡10.47万公顷,可开发滩涂水面1300多公顷。 涉县是革命老区,在抗日战争时期,刘伯承、邓小平等老一辈革命家在这里生活战斗达五年之久,涉县人民为革命胜利做出了重大牺牲和贡献。在发展商品经济的大潮中,涉县县委、县政府团结带领全
Shexian County is located in the eastern foot of Taihang Mountains, southwest of Hebei Province, Shanxi, Hebei and Henan provinces at the junction. Since ancient times, “Qin Jin’s impulse, name of Yan Zhao Yi” reputation. The county administer 9 towns, 21 townships, 308 administrative villages, with a total area of 1509.3 square kilometers, of which 27,300 hectares of agricultural land, 104,700 hectares of Yilin appropriate animal husbandry slope, the beach can be developed more than 1,300 hectares of water. Shexian County is an old revolutionary base area. During the War of Resistance Against Japan, Liu Bocheng and Deng Xiaoping lived the fighting here for five years and the people of Shexian County made great sacrifices and contributions to the victory of the revolution. In the tide of developing commodity economy, Shexian county party committee and government united to lead the whole