Acute brucellosis as unusual cause of immune thrombocytopenia:a case report and review of the litera

来源 :Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fencer_2
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A 25 year-old male patient was admitted to the causality with complaints of fever,joints pain,epislaxis and gingival bleeding,for the last week,the complete blood count revealed pancytopenia.Serological test for brucella was reported positive as 1/320,but the patient failed to respond lo brucella treatment for 4 d.On day 5th the diagnosis of immune thrombocytopenia was confirmed after bone marrow aspiration.Steroid was initiated on 6th day after admission and on the 3rd day of steroid therapy thrombocytes count was raised to 55×10~9/L and came up to 180×10~9/L on 12 th day after admission.Brucella-induced immune thrombocytopenia should be considered in patient presenting with bleeding and febrile illness especially in endemic region. A 25 year-old male patient was admitted to the causality with complaints of fever, joints pain, epislaxis and gingival bleeding, for the last week, the complete blood count revealed pancytopenia. Serological test for brucella was reported positive as 1/320, but the patient failed to respond lo brucella treatment for 4 d. On day 5th the diagnosis of immune thrombocytopenia was confirmed after bone marrow aspiration. Steroid was initiated on 6th day after admission and on the 3rd day of steroid therapy thrombocytes count was raised to 55 × 10 ~ 9 / L and came up to 180 × 10 ~ 9 / L on 12 th day after admission. Brucella-induced immune thrombocytopenia should be considered in patient presenting with bleeding and febrile illness especially in endemic region.
流传度:10000000+  家中老人如患中风,可用针刺破患者的十個手指尖,将血挤出一滴,大约几分钟后,患者自然恢复清醒神志。如出现嘴歪的情况,可以用力将患者耳朵拉红,并在两耳的耳垂部位,各刺两针,并挤出两滴血来,几分钟后,患者便恢复正常。此法具有令患者起死回生之功效,并保证百分之百的正常。望大家传知他人,功德无量!  大咖来辟谣  主持/王立祥  教授 博导  首先,这个方法并没有在医学上得到证
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