一、呼吸保护器具 1.呼吸保护器具的种类呼吸保护器具是按其使用对象、环境条件及使用时间的不同而分类的,必须根据需要进行选用。呼吸保护器具大致可分为过滤式和供气式两类(如表1所示)。表1 呼吸保护器具的分类过滤式只适用于环境中氧气浓度大于18%的场所,供气式则能用于环境中氧气浓度小于18%的场所. 2.防尘口罩标准劳动省已经制定了防尘口罩标准(1983年劳动省通告第84号),并且按此标准进行国家级检验,合格的产品,贴上检验合格的标签。滤料也贴有标签(标签的材质为不干胶纸)。表2列出了该标准规定的防尘口罩的种类、结构及性能等指标。
First, the respiratory protection apparatus 1 types of respiratory protection Respiratory protection apparatus is classified according to their use of objects, environmental conditions and the use of time, must be selected according to need. Respiratory protection apparatus can be roughly divided into two types of filter and gas supply (as shown in Table 1). Table 1 classification of respiratory protection filter only applies to the environment oxygen concentration greater than 18% of the places, the supply can be used for the environment where the oxygen concentration is less than 18% 2. Dust mask standards Ministry of Labor has developed Dust mask standards (1983 Ministry of Labor Notice No. 84), and according to this standard for national inspection, qualified products, affixed with the inspection of the label. The filter is also labeled (label material is self-adhesive paper). Table 2 lists the standard dust masks provided by the type, structure and performance indicators.