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四月二十四日上午,县科委、县文化局和图书馆联合召开了科技咨询工作座谈会。中共顺德县委常委、县委组织部长杨肖英同志,主持了这次座谈会,并就“图书馆如何开展科技咨询工作,发挥科技图书的作用,为本县科技振兴经济提供服务”等作了指示。然后由我馆介绍了近年开展科技咨询工作的情况,以及今后对搞好此项工作的意见和要求。最后,大家对今后进一步搞好科技咨询工作,发挥图书馆在科技兴农、科技兴工中的作用等问题进行了探讨。会议决定:一、县科委和图书馆加强合作,互相配合,共同搞好科技咨询工作。二、增拨购书专款,购买高质量的科技图书,满足读者需要。 On the morning of April 24, the County Science and Technology Commission, the County Bureau of Culture and the Library jointly held a symposium on scientific and technological consultation. Comrade Yang Shaoying, member of the CPC Shunde County Committee and county organization minister, presided over the symposium and gave instructions on “how the library should carry out scientific and technological consulting work, give play to the role of science and technology books, and provide services to the county’s science and technology to revitalize the economy.” Then I introduced the situation of science and technology consultation conducted by our museum in recent years and the opinions and requirements for doing a good job in this field in the future. Finally, we discussed the issue of further developing the science and technology consulting work in the future, bringing into full play the role of the library in revitalizing agriculture by science and technology and rejuvenating science and technology. The meeting decided: First, the county Science and Technology Commission and the library to strengthen cooperation and complement each other to work together to improve science and technology consulting. Second, additional funds to purchase books, buy high-quality science and technology books to meet the needs of readers.
1 情报部门科技文献的特点第一,按文献的内容来分,有以下特点: (1) 专业性:专业情报所只收藏本行业系统或与该专业学科有关的文献。综合性情报所也有一定的专业范围,即使国
在伸手不见五指的黑暗中享受美食的体验,是不是有些另类?现在亚洲第一家黑暗餐厅“巨鲸肚”登陆北京,进入黑暗餐厅的客人就像进入一条巨鲸的肚子里冒险一样刺激有趣。 In th
同志们: 这次会议是市政府决定召开的。目的在于进一步贯彻落实好省政府[1988]104号和[1989]103号文件,贯彻落实好辽宁省公共图书馆工作会议精神,努力把我市公共图书馆工作
命名:1939年Schiller认为卵巢卵黄囊瘤是胚胎期中肾组织迷入邻近的性腺发育而成,命名为“卵巢中肾瘤”(mesonephroma ovarii);Kazancigil认为起源于生殖嵴,称为“卵巢乳头样