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地震化石是暴露地表的古地震遗迹。对形成于地壳较深层次上的地震化石开展综合研究,可以直接获取有关震源破裂过程和方式、震源附近的地质构造背景、孕震环境条件以及相关的震源参数等重要信息和数据。由于大陆浅源地震大多发生在地壳5~15公里的深度,这个深度上的温度、压力条件与地表不同,其地质结构和介质性质目前也无法确知。以往有关地震成因的种种解释,大多根据地震引起的地表破裂或者从理论上加以分析推断,给科 Earthquake fossils are ancient earthquakes that exposed the surface. Synthetic studies on seismic fossils formed at deeper levels in the crust can provide direct access to important information and data such as the process and mode of source rupture, the geological tectonic setting near the source, the seismogenic environmental conditions and related source parameters. As most of the shallow earthquakes in the mainland occur at a depth of 5-15 km in the crust, the temperature and pressure conditions at this depth are different from those on the earth’s surface, and their geological structure and medium properties are not known at present. In the past, various explanations of the causes of earthquakes were mostly based on surface ruptures caused by earthquakes or theoretically analyzed,