患者男性,43岁主诉血糖升高1个月。现病史患者1个月前因开车时突然出现左侧肢体无力,行动轻度受限入院治疗。入院后经头颅MRI检查示脑桥右侧小面积脑梗死;查空腹血糖13.8mmol/L,糖化血红蛋白10.2%,诊断2型糖尿病。既往史高血压病病史1年,血压最高达148/102mmHg,目前服用氨氯地平5mg Qd,血压控制在130~140/80~90mmHg。家族史否认家族遗传病史。个人史吸烟22年,每日10~15支;无酗酒。
Male patient, 43-year-old chief complaint of elevated blood glucose for 1 month. Patients with a history of illness a month ago due to sudden emergence of the left limb weakness when driving, the operation limited access to hospitalized mildly. After admission, cerebral MRI examination showed a small area of cerebral infarction on the right side of the pontine; check fasting blood glucose 13.8mmol / L, glycated hemoglobin 10.2%, diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. Previous history of hypertension in the history of 1 year, the highest blood pressure up to 148 / 102mmHg, amlodipine now taking 5mg Qd, blood pressure control in 130 ~ 140/80 ~ 90mmHg. Family history denies family history of heredity. 22 years of personal history of smoking, 10 to 15 per day; no alcoholism.