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在当年的“王朔热”中,主流批评话语参与建构王朔的公众形象,将王朔建构为万人瞩目的“痞子英雄”。~1王朔这一公众形象的确立,为告别社会主义时期的价值理想,建立新的意识形态和个人自我观念开辟了道路。但某种意义上,王朔的“痞”恰恰是因为对社会主义时期价值理想及自身经验的珍视和缅怀。也就是说,王朔小说中“痞”的一面和伤心的一面本来具有同构关系,只有从后一面出发才能回答王朔的“痞”从何而来,但是,主流批评话语在参与建构王朔公众形象的过程 In that year’s “Wang Shuo Hot ”, the mainstream criticism discourse involved in building Wang Shuo’s public image, Wang Shuo million people will be attracted by the construction of “ruffian hero ”. The establishment of this public image, Wang Shuo, opened the way for farewell to the values ​​and ideals of the socialist period and the establishment of a new ideology and personal self-concept. But in a certain sense, Wang Shuo’s “ruffian” precisely because of the value of the ideal of socialism and their own experience cherished and cherished. That is to say, Wang Shuo’s novel has an isomorphic relationship with the sad side, and Wang Shuo’s “ruffian” can only be answered from the latter side. However, in the mainstream criticism discourse, The Process of Constructing Wang Shuo ’s Public Image
淮海战役期间,以中原、华东人民解放军司令部名义发表的《敦促杜聿明等投降书》(以下简称《敦降书》),向被围困的国民党军队阵地反复广播,对瓦解杜聿明集团起了重要作用。这篇文章后被收入《毛泽东选集》第四卷。令人没想到的是,最近新华社老记者庄重说自己是该文作者。据我所了解的情况,这种说法不能让人信服。先从我的一段亲身经历说起吧。    毛主席这篇《敦降书》由新华社记者陈其五起草    刻骨铭心的往事并不如