根据英国木材贸易杂志TTJ的最新报告显示,已经成功促使木材进口商在采购环节上做出重大改变的欧盟木材法规(EUTR)在英国阔叶木锯材市场上也带来了重大影响。进口商目前正在逐步减少供应商的数量,筛选出那些不能或者不会提供必要合法来源信息的供应商,从而把非法供应的风险降到最低。由于政治局势不明朗,象牙海岸是被提到的需要特别关注的地区,因为那里缺乏推动合法且可持续木材贸易的FLEGT VPA认证。
According to the latest report from the British Timber trade journal TTJ, the European Union Timber Regulation (EUTR), which has successfully prompted timber importers to make major changes in the purchasing chain, has also had a significant impact on the UK hardwood lumber market. Importers are currently tapering the number of suppliers and screening suppliers who can not or will not provide the necessary legal source information to minimize the risk of illicit supply. Due to the uncertain political situation, the Ivory Coast is mentioned as a region of particular concern, as there is a lack of FLEGT VPA certification to promote legal and sustainable timber trade.