针对过量施用氮肥和地下水硝酸盐超标的现状,探索减量施氮、秸秆替代过量氮肥下土壤氮素的淋失风险,以期为降低氮素淋失风险提供科学依据。通过在河北省徐水县进行连续4年的冬小麦—夏玉米轮作体系田间定位试验,分析耕作(少耕和常规耕作)、施氮量(无机氮0、200和300 kg/hm 2)和秸秆(还田、不还田)等措施对作物收获后土壤无机氮累积、土壤—作物体系氮平衡状况以及冬小麦和夏玉米产量的影响。结果表明,小麦收获后,过量施氮处理0~100 cm 土壤硝态氮累积量显著高于其它处理,高达221 kg/hm 2,过高的土壤残留硝态氮增加玉米高温多雨季氮素淋洗风险。3年氮平衡累积量比较显示,过量施氮、少耕/常规耕作减量施氮秸秆还田3处理的氮平衡值无显著性差异,以少耕减量施氮秸秆还田最低,为236 kg/hm 2,过量施氮处理最高,为281 kg/hm 2,三者均显著高于少耕/常规耕作减量施氮秸秆不还田处理。冬小麦—夏玉米轮作体系氮平衡值与0~100 cm 土层的土壤无机氮、土壤硝态氮累积量呈显著正相关,说明氮素大量盈余会导致0~100 cm 土壤剖面无机氮大量累积,尤其是硝态氮大量累积。少耕和常规耕作减量施氮秸秆还田处理的冬小麦、夏玉米产量与过量施氮无显著差异。综合考虑土壤无机氮累积量、氮平衡值和作物产量,少耕或者常规耕作下,可以利用秸秆氮替代过量无机氮,降低氮素淋洗风险。“,”There is a growing concern about excessive nitrogen and excessive level of nitrate in groundwater in Chi -na.A four -year study in Xushui, Hebei, China was conducted in a winter wheat and summer corn cropping sys -tem to compare the effects of soil tillage (minimum tillage without ploughing, full tillage), application of cornstalk residue (none -R, turning back +R) and three N rates (0, 200 and 300 kg N /hm 2 as mineral nitrogen) applied to winter wheat on the yield of wheat and subsequent corn , the N balance and the inorganic N accumulation , and then to investigate the possibility of the residue replacing some rate of mineral N in case of N leaching .Moreover, the same rate of mineral N (100 kg/hm 2 ) was applied to all plots for the corn.The results showed that the soil ni-trate nitrogen accumulation (221 kg/hm 2 ) in full tillage with 300 kg N /hm 2 (FT N300 -R) after wheat harvest was significantly higher than that in the other treatments , the excess nitrogen may increase the risk of nitrogen leac -hing.The three -year nitrogen balance value in the millage tillage or full tillage with 200 kg N /hm 2 and residue turning back (MT N200 +R, FT N200 +R) were not significant.Furthermore, there was significantly positive re-lationship between nitrogen balance value and nitrate nitrogen accumulated in 0 -100cm soil profile, itmeant the greater the N balance value, the more the amount of nitrate nitrogen accumulated .In addition, the yields of wheat and corn in MT N200 +R and FT N200 +R were not significantly different with those in FT N 300 -R.It indicat-edthat using residue nitrogen as part of mineral nitrogen in the treatment of reducing the rate of nitrogen (200 kg N/hm 2 ) could not only maintain the crop yield and reduce N balance value , but also significantly reduce nitrate ni -trogen accumulation after wheat harvest , and hence reduce the risk of N leaching .