Meta分析是对原始研究的二次综合分析与评价,实施过程中需要合理的研究选题、全面的文献搜集、准确的入选标准、研究的质量评价、必要的异质性检验和敏感度分析、努力发现偏倚和重视整个过程的质量控制.作者通过总结结核病相关Meta分析文章中的常见错误,以期引起大家对Meta分析方法 质量控制的重视,更好地促进Meta分析及其方法 在结核病控制工作中的应用.“,”Meta-analysis is the process of synthesizing data from a series of original studies, including selecting the reasonable topic, collecting the comprehensive literature, setting the accurate inclusion criteria of studies, evaluating the quality of included studies, performing necessary heterogeneity analysis and sensitivity analysis, and paying emphasis on the quality control of the whole process.This paper summarizes common mistakes in the tuberculosis-related Meta-analyses, in order to draw attention on quality control of methodology in this field and to refine its application in tuberculosis control.