每年清明节我国人民都要为逝去的亲人扫墓,并缅怀革命先烈。但是,扫墓习俗并非中国独有,在国外不少国家也有各自的“扫墓节”。 刚果扫墓日:每年10月1日是刚果的“扫墓日”。这天,全国放假一天,人们身穿黑礼服,扶老携幼,纷纷来到墓地,先拔去墓上的杂草,摆上鲜花、食品,再点上烛灯,然后对死者说些怀念的话,表示悼念。
Every year, on the Ching Ming Festival, our people have to pay grave for the dead relatives and cherish the memory of the revolutionary martyrs. However, the custom of graving tombs is not unique to China. In many foreign countries, there are also separate “grazing tombs.” Sweeping Day in the Congo: October 1 each year is the “Sweeping Day” in the Congo. On this day, a day of national holidays, people wearing black dresses, help the elderly and children, have come to the cemetery, the first to pull the weeds on the tomb, put flowers, food, then click on the candle lights, and then said something about the dead Words, said mourning.