营销是一个不断学习的游戏,检视国内企业的营销策略在非常时期所遭遇的尴尬,它们需要反省什么? “受SARS的影响,我们的一些项目被迫延期、用户投资出现调整、异区面对面沟通形成障碍。”东软软件股份有限公司高级副总裁兼营运总监卢朝霞承认,非典给东软的市
Marketing is a continuous learning game that examines the awkwardness faced by domestic companies' marketing strategies in times of crisis and what they need to reflect on? “” Some of our projects are being postponed due to the impact of SARS, user investment is adjusted, and face-to-face Communication barriers. "Neusoft Software Co., Ltd. Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Lu Chaoxia admitted that atypical pneumonia to the city of Neusoft