
来源 :中国民兵 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jamyi
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我们常讲,领导就是服务,机关工作也是服务,机关服务的质量好坏不仅反映一个单位的形象,而且直接影响着工作的效率。然而,目前发现,在个别军分区、人武部机关工作人员中,对基层和下属单位下达计划或布置任务时习惯于发号施令,语气生硬,态度专横,工作方式方法令基层单位颇感不满。有些地方人员到军事机关办事,也出现不热情接待,不积极配合,甚至存有门难进、脸难看、事难办的问题,不同程度影响了了部队的 We often say that leadership is the service, the organ is also a service, and the quality of the organ service not only reflects the image of a unit, but also directly affects the efficiency of the work. However, at present, it has been found that among the staffs of the armed forces departments in the individual military divisions, the grass-roots units and their subordinate units are accustomed to giving orders when planning or assigning tasks. They have a rigid tone and a dictatorial attitude. Their working methods and methods make the grassroots units quite dissatisfied. Some local personnel went to the military organs for handling affairs, and they also did not receive enthusiastic receptions, did not actively cooperate with them, and even kept problems of hard-to-reach doors, ugly faces and hard to handle issues that affected troops in varying degrees