现在国外的农业科学论文中,经常提到试验数据统计分析时采用了邓肯氏复极差测验法,(Duncan′S Multiple-Range test)或者新复极差测验法(New Multiple-Range test),也有译为邓肯氏多重范围(或差范)测验法的。这是什么样的一种方法? 方差分析(过去生物统计上译为变异量或变量分析)中的F测验,只是笼统地说明了各处理间有无显著差异,而并未具体地指出某几个处理间平均数的差异显著与否。要测验各个
Nowadays in foreign agricultural science papers, it is often mentioned that the Duncan’s Multiple-Range test or the New Multiple-Range test is used in statistical analysis of test data, There are also translated as Duncan’s multiple range (or difference) test. What kind of method is this? An F-test in ANOVA (in the past biometrics as a variant or variable analysis) simply shows in general terms whether there is any significant difference between the treatments, without specifying exactly what The difference between the average number of treatments is significant or not. To test each one