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邓小平认为党风廉政建设关系到党和国家的存亡,加强党风廉政建设,必须坚决反腐,并以领导干部为重点,强化监督等机制。邓小平新时期党风廉政建设思想,对于加强党风廉政建设,永葆党的先进性和纯洁性,进一步巩固党的执政地位,具有重要的现实意义。 Deng Xiaoping believes that since the party’s work style and the building of an honest and clean government have a bearing on the survival of the party and the state and the construction of a clean government, we must resolutely fight corruption and take the leading cadres as the key points to strengthen supervision and other mechanisms. Deng Xiaoping’s thinking on improving party style and building a clean government in the new era has the important practical significance to strengthen the building of a clean and honest government, to keep the advanced nature and purity of the party forever and to further consolidate the party’s ruling status.
茭白,因其白芽似笋,嫩若皎玉,故而得名,别名茭瓜。茭白鲜嫩可口,营养甚丰,尤其适合老年人食用。对于习惯性便秘、肥胖症、高脂血症患者,乃是食疗之上品。  中医认为:茭白性味甘、冷、滑,无毒。具有解毒、除烦渴、利二便、催乳、降压等功效,实乃一味良药佳蔬。茭白入馔,脆嫩如笋,可烹制出多种佳肴,且荤素烧汤皆宜。现介绍几款茭白菜肴,以飨读者。    鱼香茭白    原料:鲜嫩茭白500克,泡辣椒20克,葱花
一些患近视的人到了60多岁都不需要配戴老花镜,只要取下近视眼镜就可以看书写字了;但也有一部分近视患者看近处不戴老花镜还是不行,需要配戴一副老花镜才能看书写字。这是怎么回事呢?近视患者该如何选配老花镜?  一般在40~45岁以后,阅读或做其它近距离工作时看不清,而且逐年加重的现象,医学上称为老视,俗称老花眼。眼睛里有一个叫晶状体的结构,是一个双面凸起的透镜,中央厚,边缘薄,相当于照相机的变焦镜头,它