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近来,有些讀者經常詢問有關海關對進出口個人重地郵遞管理的规定,海關總署負責人就此問題解答如下。問:海關對進出口個人郵遞物品管理的基本原则和规定是什麽? 答:進出口個人郵遞物品是廣大港澳台灣同胞、華僑、外籍華人與國内親友間互相馈贈的一種正常聯繫,也是國内外人士友好交往的渠道之一。我國每年都有大量郵遞進出口的個人物品和印刷品。由於郵遞方式比較方便,少數走私違法份子寄遞國内外差價大的物品,投機倒賣,擾 Recently, some readers have frequently asked about the customs regulations on the import and export of personal postal matter. The head of the General Administration of Customs answered the question as follows. Q: What are the basic rules and regulations of the Customs on the administration of personal postal articles for import and export? A: The personal postal items for export and import are a normal link of mutual gifts between compatriots in Hong Kong, Maucao and Taiwan, overseas Chinese and relatives and friends in mainland China, One of the channels for friendly exchanges between insiders and outsiders. Every year, China has a large number of postal import and export of personal effects and printed matter. Due to the convenience of postal delivery, a few illegal smugglers send goods with big differences at home and abroad for speculation and resale
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